Tuesday, 24 March 2009

Sometimes there are no winners...

Today, things started to unravel for some of the people who have made my life difficult for the last few years (which can be a bit of an occupational hazard for someone doing the new and different). At the height of the trouble, I just wanted to be believed, for someone with enough authority to see and recognise what was going on. But now, as it starts to happen, I just feel a bit sad. I've lost, and I've won in all this: had a difficult 2 years followed by a terrible 5 months, but found a strength and a perspective on life, and dare I possibly say even a wisdom that I didn't realise was possible. The others have both won and lost: they've won a great deal over the past couple of years, but are starting to lose the things they've won, with only the faint hope that wisdom, perspective and strength might eventually come from that loss.

It takes a lot of courage to reach down into yourself and face exactly who you are with neither praise nor prejudice. And it takes some very special people to stand by you because of who you are, not what you may or may not have done. To my one reader, who has stuck with me throughout this terrible time, I say thank you. And there are still 6 beers left in the cupboard.

1 comment:

David Murphy said...

Cool. Six is a good number. They are truly six of the best.